Monday, April 16, 2007

My Jacket Is SO Not Satin!

I'm referring to this post, in which Iowahawk details the horrors to which the British sailors were subject after their capture by the scary, scary Lutherans, such as being forced to drink cold beer. Yeah, try not to laugh too hard. At least we didn't force the tuna casserole on them.

h/t to the Aardvark.


Scottius Maximus said...


I don't read newspapers, but I don't remember hearing about this anywhere else. Is this for real?

Anonymous said...

aaaa... gasp... ha, ha, ha... gasp... can't breathe... insurgent Camaros... ha, ha, ha.

Barb the Evil Genius said...

Scottius, this is only for real if you think of Wisconsin, Minnesota and Iowa as "the Manure Triangle." Or that Lutherans have "territorial waters" near Chicago.

Elephantschild said...

Oh, wait! The writer of the article forgot the part about the Brits being tortured by being force-fed Strawberry Jello salad with shredded carrots and mandarin oranges while being made to listen to the "syncopated" version of A Mighty Fortress...