Thursday, April 26, 2007

Day with Daddy

Today is Take Your Son/Daughter to Work Day, and the Scientist and Wildchild are dressed and ready to go off to work with Daddy, while Mommy stays home and cleans house parties like it's 1999. Originally, this day was supposed to be for girls only, to go with their mommies to work so their fragile little selves could see that they really could do all the things boys could do, etc. Nothing wrong with girls seeing what their parent(s) do at work, but I'm glad boys can go too, and that they can see what their daddy does at work as well. Especially since my girls already know very well what I do all day!

The Scientist could definitely be unschooled as far as reading goes. Yesterday she finished up Theater Shoes and read Half Magic. Today, she is taking Five Children and It to read during any boring parts of the day. In 'riting and 'rithmetic, though, she definitely needs prompting and encouragement.


Marie N. said...

We have one participating in Take Your Child To Work Day too. Rick's company has a great day set up for the kids. I can't wait to write about it tomorrow.

Rick is thinking of offering his presentation as a field trip for the homeschool group. I guess he will decide based on how it goes today!

skatey katie said...

Take Your Son/Daughter to Work Day
oh wow i just saw this over on mare's blog... i *love* the idea... so cool for our kiddos to see first-hand what goes on in daddy's world.
and..... what did you do all day?????

Barb the Evil Genius said...

Besides mundane house stuff, I sewed, and did some research for some projects, and surfed the net.

Unknown said...

WAIT!! what are you talking about!! you mean i missed out on sending *%* kids to work with dad!? I cant believe it!!!! :o/
deb ;o)

Unknown said...

that would be *5*....

Barb the Evil Genius said...

I don't know, Deb. Did Severance have anything planned? :)