Thursday, June 29, 2006

What Were They Thinking?

I cannot imagine how the situation with this girl got to the point it did. You know what? I hate to judge people, because there's been too many times where people have judged me without knowing all the circumstances, or when it was really none of their business anyway. But I imagine this kind of story causes a lot of parents to think about what their own children might do. And you better not just say "Not my kid" without having an idea why it would not be "your kid."

First of all, I came to the conclusion that both of the girl's parents probably work full-time. What else would a 14-year-old need her own cell phone for? And then how could she get her own prepaid cell phone without her parents knowing? And then, if you have already found your daughter communicating with a strange guy she met online, why wasn't a parent there to pick her up after school? Was someone supposed to pick her up? After already finding her communicating with this guy, someone should have been keeping an eye on her.

I'd also bet she doesn't have a close relationship with her father. This girl sounds like a textbook case of needing male approval. You really, truly make a difference, all you fathers out there. You really, truly do play a big part in your daughter's future relationships with males. I know this for a fact.

Lastly, need for male approval aside, what could a girl like this be thinking? Did she not know this was a stupid idea, or did desperation to fill her needs outweigh everything else? The 19-year-old male, to me it just seems like a simple case of him using someone to get what he wanted. His parents have obviously dropped the ball too. He had to know he was breaking the law, and it's just not healthy to use people. Basically, he's a creep. I do hope the law comes down hard on him, and I hope federal charges are brought as well.


KrazyinBrooklyn said...

Oviously the girl wasn't taught right from wrong.

Barb the Evil Genius said...

I think she knew very well what she was doing was wrong, especially since her parents had already taken one cell phone away from her. She chose to disobey anyway. Knowing why does not excuse what she did, but it might give insight. For example, too many women want to discount the role of a father in raising children. That's a very destructive idea.