Friday, April 21, 2006

Small Electric World

I completely surprised Devona of Love and Blunder by walking up to her at a special service at our church tonight and telling her I recognized her from her blog! I guess I need to find a decent picture of myself to put up on my blog sometime. How will I know I've arrived until some stranger comes up to me out of nowhere and tells me she reads my blog? Uh, yeah. :) Oddly enough, we attend the church we presently do in large part by finding it through Elizabeth of Anxious Contentment!

Anyway, the special service was presented by the Kantorei of Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne. They did a very nice job.

Not much else going on here in this small corner of Ohio. Hope you all have good weekends! I'll probably check in here sometime and update.


Marie N. said...

How great! You're right -- small world :-)

TKls2myhrt said...

What a great story! Devona is so fun and very well-catechized!