Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Customer Dis-service

We're in the market for jeans for the Equestrienne. Not low-rise, not flair, juniors size. We stopped at JC Penney since there is one literally five minutes from where we live. Not only could we find no jeans suitable, the one sales associate that stopped by briefly in the department would not make eye contact with me. They have checkouts by the door, I guess so you don't have to bother the associates any more than necessary.

I've looked online and there is not much out there either. Plus, it disturbs me how a lot of the models in the juniors sizes are wearing low-rise jeans *and* stiletto heels, for the latest in hooker chic. I wonder if there is any place out there that makes decent clothes in juniors sizes.


Elephantschild said...

boys' jeans, boys' jeans, boys' jeans! Peferably from the farm stores, which have better prices and selection.

Believe it or not, they'll actually ride *higher* on her hips than most of the girls & juniors stuff.

You can stencil them with a bleach pen to fancy 'em up and make them look more "girl."

Scott said...

I've never seen a hooker in jeans!


Barb the Evil Genius said...

EC, the Equestrienne said "Ew!" to the boys' jeans idea. She *is* almost 13, so boys are "icky", I guess.

Scott, can you clarify your familiarity with hookers? :)

RPW said...

Have you tried Lands End? They are not junior sizes, but they size them by Misses size and then by inseam (i.e. 8x28, 8x30, etc). That way might work.

Unknown said...

Please don't be too hard on your dept store employees!! This time of year is tough! I know i am suppose to ask each person i meet during my shift "Can i help you find something?" I just CANT!!! If i did i would never get my work done! But if i see someone looking confused i do stop and ask. Target also only sells low rise jeans. I don't know why....I guess it is the style. Not sure whose style....

Barb the Evil Genius said...

I don't expect a Target or Wal-Mart employee to help me unless I seek them out. Unless it's someone who's, say, at the returns counter or electronics counter. It seems to me their chief job is stocking or neatening up.

Now, from my own experience with working at a department store, a Dillard's or Macy's type one, the employees in a given department were there mainly to try to sell the customer stuff, and ring up the purchase. Straightening and re-arranging were only done when there were no customers around.

In the current JC Penney model, there are scarcely any associates around, and they don't seem to be there to help the customers. I see it as a money-saving ploy. When I worked retail, there were usually at least two employees to a department. I was lucky to see one employee at all yesterday. Plus, with the checkouts at the door, the employees no longer have to ring up customers anymore either.

RPW, I think we may have to go to misses' sizes. Juniors' clothes seem like they tend to run towards slutty too often. But then I am appalled at some of the Christmas dresses I've been seeing for the girls size 7-16 crowd. They look like prom dresses for a much older girl.

Kim said...

Try the feed stores or if you have a Tractor Supply near you that's a good place to go. They carry Wrangler Blues which are normal jeans that aren't low cut or made to fit tight, perfect for riding.

Barb the Evil Genius said...

You know, there actually is a Tractor Supply store closer to us than I would have thought. Heading away from Cleveland, of course. Good thing we live on the edge of suburban Cleveland. And our "local" tack shop carries Wrangler as well, but it's about half an hour's drive one way, so we don't go to them often. But the Wrangler is a good suggestion.