Monday, December 17, 2007

It's Makin' the Rounds

What Kind of Drink Are You?

You are a Fine Glass of Wine. You are sophisticated and refined, but also complicated and hard to deal with. Not everyone loves you, but those who do swear that you're the coolest thing since sliced bread. One of these days the people that matter will understand you. Until then, you will be sitting on your throne as the distinguished product that not everyone has the taste to appreciate.
Find Your Character @


Consecutive Odds said...

An apt description! Cheers!

skatey katie said...

well i got *whiskey on the rocks* which is SO. NOT. ME.
but the news is.....

ok babe, i know it’s almost The Night Before Christmas, and i’m totally waiting ‘til the new year to action this… so keep b-r-e-a-t-h-i-n-g lol, you’ve just won my pay it forward comp…
i’ll be in touch,
luffs X

Unknown said...

How do people put links in comments? I haven't figured that out yet. :-( Anyway, this looks like a fun survey. I'm off to take it!

shay said...

I'm new to you so here's to you, as you sit on your thrown sipping you red wine:)

i'm off to take it too!

skatey katie said...

sniz, barb knows all about HTML lol, she sent me this page a-g-e-s ago and it's been the most helpful thing since sliced bread, er, christmas cake...
the HTML code i used above is next to the title *Link Something*
where it says URL i pasted
and in the gap between > and < i wrote "this page"
and voila!!!
bob's your uncle, fanny's your aunt X

Barb the Evil Genius said...

Kate, thanks for stepping in there for me. I've been busy lately, lol. :)

Cheryl said...

Thanks for tutorial, kate5kiwis! I've been wondering the same thing as sniz.