Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Um, What?

So I'm browsing through the Dorling Kindersley web page; they've got lots of great books for kids and I'm getting some ideas for stuff for school. Then I see a sticker book of U.S. Presidents, and one face jumps out at me. No, that can't be right. I click to the page, make the cover picture larger. Okay, we have George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, F.D.R., John Kennedy, an "I Like Ike" pin, an outline of Clinton whaling on the sax, and...wait for it...John F'n Kerry. Did I miss something?? Is this wishful thinking? What the heck?

P.S. Thank you to Emperor Darth Misha for linking to this post! Although I only read sporadically, I am a Loyal Citizen!


Kelly said...

Thanks for the barbi link, too funny!
I have more House stuff on today's post.
That is wierd with the Kerry in there.

Lutheran Lucy said...

It is sad but not surprising that you found Kerry in there! Ugh!!
I'm sorry, I don't want to offend anyone, but Kerry is a real joke! He stands on nothing to follow; however, I know you know that! :)

Rick said...

Revisionist historians gone wild! See them make up social movements out of thin air, and put people in higher office that ain't never been there.

Des_Moines_Girl said...

Wow! It's a regular "Dewey Defeats Truman"!

Anonymous said...

But wasn't Kerry president just like he was a bona fide war hero? Also, "whaling" on the sax? I know Bubba has a predilection for whales, e.g. Monica, but I think it is supposed to be "wailing" (as in pouring out your soul). Love your blog!

Anonymous said...

put up a link. i checked the site and couldn't find this.

Anonymous said...


I am amazed

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else catch that the book was copyrighted "October 2005"?

Barb the Evil Genius said...

Actually, I did mean "whaling," as in "to attack vehemently," as in he was playin' hard on it. Sorry about no link. Didn't want to provide one for those nut jobs. Thanks for stopping by!

Anonymous said...

They must have changed it after you noticed and sent a lot of traffic their way. However, I don't doubt you. Nothing the leftist do surprises me anymore (except when I am betting on when they will do it). Good catch.
