Monday, February 26, 2007

Poking My Head Out

Yes, I'm still alive. No, I'm not doing my best, but I'm trying to pick myself up and dust myself off and start over again. Not much exciting going on here, mostly because I haven't been doing very well. My new medicine is knocking me out too much; I took a quarter of a pill last night and was drowsy for fifteen hours. Enough of that nonsense! I don't want to be a blog about depression or mental illnesses; I'll leave that to blogs like I Trust When Dark My Road. But when aspects of my mental state are affecting my life so much, I have to bring it up. Hope ya'll hang with me.

All is pretty mellow here at the moment. Even our cats, who don't all get along with each other, are all content and happy at the moment, because their bellies are full of tuna. My husband had some tuna and mayonnaise, and of course at the first whiff of tuna, the cats demanded their share. So now five members of my household have tuna breath. Oy.


Susan B. said...



I've had my struggles with anxiety and depression as well. In fact, you know that "big post" I keep alluding to on my blog, that I keep working on. Well, it's about being on Paxil for the past two years and how I'm gradually weaning myself off of it for various reasons. It's a hard post to write and I have to get up courage to post it. Plus the situation is evolving as my brain chemistry adjusts to less and less Paxil.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I understand what it is to struggle with such things. In my case, I think it's genetic.

Thank you for linking to the Dark Road blog. It looks very's good to see this topic addressed from a Christian perspective. I'm going to add it to my Bloglines feeds.

Barb the Evil Genius said...

Susan, thanks so much for sharing this with me! It's good to know there are other people out there who are walking this road.

RPW said...


I hope things even out for you....I know that my struggles seem to always get worse in February, for lots of reasons. Things just fall apart.

skatey katie said...

peace and huge love to you barb,
my days-of-endless-sunshine will soon be winging their way to you...