My technology-loving husband is taking the opportunity of a new cell phone contract to upgrade our cell phones. I got the first new phone, and although I was hesitant to change over from my "tried-and-true," I have to admit I like this new phone a lot. It can take pictures and video, and also play MP3s! Oh yeah, and you can make phone calls on it. I suppose I will be busy for a while now learning how to use it, but I think I will enjoy all the features of this phone, once I figure them out!

Complete with Princess wallpaper and everything :P
It looks cool
Good luck. I hope it's better than mine. It does everything well...except be a phone, which is what I wanted it to be in the first place. I would like to go back to just a plain old phone.
Scottius, what exactly is the problem with your phone's phone capabilities? This one seems to be working out well for making calls.
Hi Barb,
I bet the new clothes are beautiful. Have fun with the new phone.
Hi Scottius,
Jitterbug makes a plain ole phone. I do not know anyone who has one, though.
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