Wednesday, September 27, 2006

A Classic!

When the Scientist was younger, we did the classic experiment of placing white carnations in water dyed with food coloring, to show how water is pulled up through the stem. Wildchild was too young to really remember the experiment, so we are doing it again now that Wildchild is learning about the parts of a plant. I split a stem in half that has two carnations on it, and stuck half a stem each in two separate colors. I will update you on what happens. Science!

Update! The blue and green colors are already starting to show on the carnations. The carnation on half a stem is also showing some green, although not as much as the one where the whole carnation is in the green water. Here's a photo of the blue carnation, as it is the best picture I could get tonight. I'll get more tomorrow, and maybe the red and yellow will be showing up well then also.


Lutheran Lucy said...

Hey, I am impressed! Experiments in science are so important - I wish we would have done more of them than we did! :)

Barb the Evil Genius said...

I'm sure you did lots of great stuff with your son, Lucy. I am having fun doing stuff with my girls.

Ol' BC said...

Oh, Barb, I understand the Thome connection. Remember, however, that the White Sox Have a nut that ticked off Frank Thomas so they had to do something. It worked out quite well, EXCEPT FOR THAT PITCHING THING.

BTW, congrats on the home schooling thing. I'm sure the kids will benefit far more than you can imagine as long as you keep them active enough to learn some social skills and teach them the basics, which lack so terribly in public schools.