Sunday, August 26, 2007

Turning Inward

A lot of my attention lately has been turned toward things in my own home. Homeschooling has been the biggest attention-getter. We started on a light schedule last week and will get more focused this week. I'm glad both of my daughters are still enthusiastic about homeschooling. They really like being able to learn at their own pace and being able to take breaks when they need them and get out in the sunshine, and they enjoy going over a book with Mommy on the bed.

They're also going to get involved in activities where they can hang out with other kids and hopefully, make new friends. Wildchild will be taking ballet and jazz dance classes. I'm trying to get the Scientist into a local 4-H club, but I'm frustrated because nothing I've found online gives good contact information. I've got several other activities in mind that I'd like to get the girls into, so it should be a busy fall!

In the meantime, the outside world continues on without me. Somehow, nothing seems as important as my home and my family and my own little projects right now, and that's a good thing. I still need to stay aware of the wolves outside, though.


Des_Moines_Girl said...

I can relate. I've been very wrapped up in my maternity leave -nothing else matters. I've been very content and happy to take care of my family and my house. I know I'm going to hate going back to work. :-(

skatey katie said...

great to hear that you're in a good groove with the home ed'ing barb.
haha, your vibes are being felt down here: i got the lads a maths book each today, and a new pencil and a new eraser (almost wrote rubber, that's what we call it in NZ lol) each... and hopefully that'll get/keep us motivated for a while.
i feel sure that every other NZ home ed'er got theirs in february, and here we are getting ours in nearly september.
i think i'll pretend i'm an american X

Anonymous said...

I love reading about your daily homeschooling journey!