Monday, May 14, 2007

Fighting the Demon

After being free from it for quite a while, my old enemy depression has returned. In some ways, it's natural, I suppose. There are a lot of stressful things going on in my life right now; that can bring on depression in anybody. When you've been fighting depression for so long, however, even "normal" periods of depression bring on a "Oh, no, not again" feeling. I'm also feeling unable to fight this, unsure what to do. Right now, I'm listening to music; it's one of the only things I can think of to do. Perhaps later in the evening I'll take a walk with my husband.


skatey katie said...

well, a little funny thing to brighten your day:
just now, as i was catching up on your blog, J11 just zoomed past the computer screen and asked," Oh wow, does she live in CLEVER-LAND???"

loads and loads of love to you chick: no wisdom, only huge love and a little prayer X

jau said...

Loads of good thought to you, Barb. You're a gem and you need to know and believe it.

If you want to distract yourself in a fairly meaningless way, feel free to write down what I should look for in a fairly basic sewing machine and patterns. I want to start making myself some skirt, blouses and (maybe) slacks.

Elephantschild said...

Been there, done that. Still there, some days. Just when I think I know my "triggers," (too much sugar, not enough sleep, not enough sun, etc.) I get whooped upside the head by a "funk" that I can't explain.

No words of wisdom other than to let you know you're not alone.

Praying for you, Mrs. Evil Genius.

Consecutive Odds said...

God bless you Barb and may God's peace be with you. My triggers revolve around people and how they overwhelm me. No answers on "how do I get out of this." But my prayers are with you and consider yourself cyber hugged!

Barb the Evil Genius said...

Thank you all for your encouragement! Today was a better day.