Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Life Interferes

with blogging. But the Scientist's dress is almost done, in time for her first communion tomorrow night. Yay! I just have, wait for it, the hand sewing left to do; I'm turning over and hand sewing the bodice lining, and I might hand sew the hem.

I had a lot of things to think about today at lunch. Wednesday is Lunch with Daddy Day, since we're fairly close to his office after Latin class in the morning. But today was a going-away lunch for a couple who work with my husband (through tomorrow!), so the girls and I had lunch with my husband, the couple (with no kids), a single woman with no kids, and a married man whose wife is a surgeon and who also has no kids. It was strange for me, the stay-at-home, homeschooling mom, to be with this crowd. Not that they were anything but nice, but I couldn't help but wonder if they were looking down on me, a little. Still, I would still rather be the stay-at-home, homeschooling wife and mother. I can't imagine not having kids; I've wanted to be a mom since before I can remember. And I love being able to stay home with them, although we've made sacrifices to get here. And homeschooling is definitely the best option academically right now. I was even able to remember all that at lunch today. Especially when my girls wanted to snuggle with me and give me hugs at lunch. They need their Mommy, and I need to be there for them.


TKls2myhrt said...

Barb, I bet the opposite happened at lunch. I bet at least one of them looked at your life longingly. If anything, you and your kids had to be a refreshing reminder of what earning money is really good for: raising families and ensuring a next generation. At the cafeteria at my office building, I often see young kids and parents eating lunch together. No one thinks anything of it and it makes people smile! Happy Easter, Barb!

skatey katie said...

that's one of my fave things about home ed'ing: all those hugs'n'kisses X