Thursday, June 29, 2006

O - H - I - O!

Okay, so living in Columbus for several years, I did grow heartily sick of Ohio State Football. I mean, the quarterback of the football team couldn't get a hangnail without it being on the front page of the paper and the feature story on the six o'clock news. But there is such a thing as state pride, and especially when we play Michigan, I root for the Bucks all the way!

While searching for something else, I found the humorous House Concurrent Resolution No. 16 to make "Hang On Sloopy" the official rock song of Ohio (you have to scroll down.) I hope you get a chuckle out of it like I did.

And by the way, "Hang On Sloopy" is also the theme song of the Ohio State football team, maybe the entire The Ohio State University(TM). Thus my train of thought above.


Marie N. said...

I'm so glad our legislators are spending their time so wisely -- it is very important which song becomes our official rock song (eye roll).

The Quipper's band had had requests for Hang On Sloopy, but I don't think they've learned it yet.

Rick said...

You'd think they would have picked "Money" by Pink Floyd. Or "Taxman" by the Beatles.

Xrysostom said...

So the legislators are basically writing off votes of alumni from Ohio U, Miami of Ohio, and other schools which are not "the" Ohio State University?

Barb the Evil Genius said...

Well, this all happened in 1985, so it's kinda a moot point now! (19, 19, 1985!)