Thursday, February 15, 2007

On the Road

I had to venture out today, because the Scientist and I had doctors appointments. Wildchild loves doctors appointments, because she gets to sit in the kids' waiting area and watch kids shows until we are done.

The roads were not too bad today, especially the main roads. I was a little nervous leaving our street because I had to pull out blind. You can't see the left side of the street you go out onto right now past the big pile of snow. I was also surprised on the way home, when the four line highway right by our house suddenly into a three lane highway. The fourth lane was blocked by a gigantic mound of snow. Our driveway could also stand to be in better shape, despite a kind neighbor using his snowblower on part of it. It drifted pretty badly over that part of the drive.

I try not to talk about my mental ordeals too often, because some of my family thinks I'm a nutcase as it is, and they dismiss me as hopeless at the same time as they are telling me to just get myself together. Well, they were when I was still talking to them... Anyway, I just wanted to share that I'm taking a new direction in my struggles, with my doctor's help. That's a good thing. Sometimes I'm not sure I really want to hope again, when I've felt so many times that things would never get better. I guess Christians are just used to living in hope, huh?

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