Saturday, November 04, 2006

Life Abhors a Vacuum

There has been nothing, but nothing, happening around here. But as is so often the way, all kinds of things are popping up! For example, my husband's soccer-playing nephew has a game tonight on the east side of Cleveland. We're meeting all my in-laws at a restaurant for dinner and we may go on to the game. The Scientist has been fighting off cold symptoms and we're not sure we want to sit outside at night in this chilly weather. Yet another thing to deal with, cold symptoms. Last night the Scientist was sleepwalking and I had to talk her back into bed.

Also I found out my husband's niece is having a baby shower given for her in December, so that's something else going on. Plus, Christmas is coming, and the Scientist's birthday is right before Christmas as well, and it seems like we are never prepared for all that. Maybe this year!


Marie N. said...

Start your shopping early! With my Engineer's birthday in January, it seems I have not remembered to order his gift in time the last couple of years. This year I told the Quipper I was just going to purchase it along with all the Christmas gifts I'll be ordering. Then it will be safely hidden away in my home and I won't need to run out at the last minute and (ugh!) shop in a toy store.

Barb the Evil Genius said...

That's an advantage to the Scientist's birthday being in December. I can just pick up her gifts when I am shopping for Christmas stuff.

With Wildchild's birthday in February, hopefully the toys she wants will go on sale after Christmas!

~Kathy~ said...

I have a child who's birthday is 3 days after Christmas. I find it so hard to give him much, when just three days before he got a load of stuff from everyone. I do make sure he has a special day though, so he doesn't feel cheated by his birthday being in December. I also have a child with a birthday in February and it's pretty easy to buy for her. I agree, lots of sales after Christmas help me with that.