Monday, September 03, 2007


Via Don Surber, a case where a woman in England may have her baby taken away from her at birth, due in part to the prognosis of a pediatrician who has never met the mother, that the woman is likely to suffer from Munchausen's Syndrome by proxy. Miss Lyon, the mother in question, has had mental issues and has been under a psychiatrist's care, although this very psychiatrist says that Miss Lyon is at no risk of harming her child or herself. This story seems like something out of an alternate universe sci-fi horror movie. Can this really be happening?

Surber also links to a story that is all over the blogosphere, that John Edwards' proposed government health care plan would require mandatory annual physician visits.

This is all just wonderful. If you ever do suffer from any sort of depression or mental issues in your life, you're going to have to hide it. Heaven forbid you share with your doctor at your mandatory annual check-up that the lack of sunlight this winter has you feeling a bit down. Your kids will be taken away by social services before you get home.


Des_Moines_Girl said...

Hubby and I were talking about Edwards' proposal of mandatory yearly physicals. We both shuddered at the thought.

I know some people will be all for it figuring if the exams are free than why not. I personally do not want the government sending me a nasty note telling me I am two weeks past my mandatory exam or worse a visit by some pencil neck government geek.

One thing Edwards doesn't mention. What does he propose the consequences be for those folks who put off going to their exams or who refuse to go all together? Frozen social security benefits? Fines? Higher taxes? If the government can demand you go to the doctor every year, than what else can they do to you?

Elephantschild said...

With The Breck Girl in charge, will haircuts be mandatory, too?

Somehow I'm not surprised that the story you relate at the beginning of your post is taking place in England.

Scary place, that.

Barb the Evil Genius said...

DMG, I don't want the government having that much power over me, either.

Elephantschild, I bet The Breck Girl would like to take everybody's SUVs away. Except his. And his wife's. It's too bad about England.