Wednesday, October 17, 2018

For RagingMoon1987

RagingMoon is a doll blogging friend, but there were a couple of non-doll things I wanted to show her, so I'm coming over here to post them. Long past time I put up a post here, anyway.

First one is a Pepsi can that I brought home from a college trip to Germany, since RagingMoon has an interest in soda containers.
Licensed from PepsiCo, Inc.
Soda containing caffeine. Apparently Limonade has been expanded to just mean any carbonated sweet drink.
Secondly, a really blurry shot of a group of tom turkeys taking their sweet time crossing the street. The lighting wasn't that great, since it was around dusk, and I was several cars back from the turkeys. This was taken in 2017, in Bay Village, Ohio, on the westside of Cleveland.


RagingMoon1987 said...

Boy howdy, those are honest-to-God wild turkeys! Looks like they're on full display, too! That soda can is nifty too. LOL, not everyone remembers that I think stuff like that is neat, so I appreciate the sentiment big time! God bless!

Barb the Evil Genius said...

Yep, you could definitely tell those were tom turkeys.

I'm glad that you liked the soda can. :)

D7ana said...

Nice to see you and your family here. I follow you on your doll blogs (D7ana from PhillyCollector).

Barb the Evil Genius said...

Thank you for stopping by, and I definitely knew who you were already! :)