Sunday, July 13, 2008

CU at CP

Yesterday the family met up at Cedar Point with my sister-in-law and her husband, to celebrate my birthday, which is today. I'm starting a new decade, and it is not my thirties! We (most of us) rode lots of rides and all ate good food, which we brought from home. Mr. Evil Genius did most of the cooking! Fortunately, although we had scattered showers, the rain came around mealtime both times, so we ate lunch and dinner at our covered table and waited out the rain. We ended up having a very good time.

Here's a picture of the cake. My husband told the girl what to write on it.

Here's the Scientist and Wildchild with local celebrities. :)


Jane said...

Happy Birthday! The forties are fabulous! ( I can say this because I am a third of the way through.) :)

skatey katie said...

hippie happy birthday dear barb!!!
enjoy the naughty forties.
you can let me know how they go: you're a whole year ahead of me lol.
love the cake X

Susan B. said...

Happy Birthday, Barb! :-D I just turned 41 a week and a half ago...the forties are great. ;-)

Consecutive Odds said...

Happy Birthday! May God continue to bless you with happiness and wonderful years to come!

Lutheran Lucciola said...

Hey, happy belated b-day! We are both '68 babies. What a year, huh?!! ;-)