Friday, June 27, 2014

Ready to Enjoy the Summer

The Musician's graduation party and the Dancer's dance recital have come to a successful conclusion. In a way, it was almost too much to have it on one weekend, but it was also nice to get it all over with at once.

The park where we held the graduation party had a catch-and-release pond. My niece caught her first fish, and my in-laws and some of the kids spent hours by the pond. The bubbles were also a hit with the big kids.

I think I was more melancholy about this being the Dancer's next-to-last recital than I was about the Musician graduating high school. I love watching both of my daughters perform, but I have seen the Musician in a lot more performances in marching band and concert band, than I have seen the Dancer in recitals.

The Dancer is very flexible.

Really, really flexible
The Dancer's cousin was excited that the Dancer's tap class used a song from Newsies. It's apparently one of her cousin's favorite movies.

I'm especially proud of the Dancer's progress in pointe. She's so incredibly strong, and she's put in a lot of work to become so.

Remember the foam pointe bodices I blogged about having to alter about a month ago? Yeah, it was these.
So now I'm going to settle in to blogging more, sewing more, and keeping up with the housework and what seems like perpetual sorting and tidying! What are your summer plans?


Scottius Maximus said...


Looking forward to the blogging part. Although for me summertime is a hard time to find time. Too much outdoor stuff and baseball.

Looks like Cleveland's hanging in there. Think you are playoff bound again?

Happy 4th!

Barb the Evil Genius said...

Hey, Scottius! I'm not much of an outdoor person. And we don't have much space for a garden. I do like watching baseball, though.

If Cleveland goes to the playoffs, I think it will have to be a wildcard, unless Detroit experiences a major slump in the second half. But I know they're still trying hard. Mr. BTEG and the girls and I are taking in a game versus the Chi Sox on my birthday! I'll be sure to blog about that.

Happy 4th to you and your family as well.